Le guide du ROI des medias sociaux

Le guide du ROI des medias sociaux

Difficile de croire qu’Internet n’était autrefois qu’un terrain de jeu pour les entreprises à gros budget ou pour ceux qui avaient les compétences techniques pour créer des sites web. Au…
Build-vs-Buy evaluating identity management

Build-vs-Buy evaluating identity management

Identity and Access Management (IAM), or simply identity management, refers to a service or platform that identifies individuals and controls their access to system resources through user rights and restrictions.…
Social Media Reporting Guide

Social Media Reporting Guide

Reporting gives you a clear view into what's working and what could be improved. Once you have built a social media report, you can answer deeper-level questions about your performance,…
Public Cloud – Services & Solutions

Public Cloud – Services & Solutions

Über diesen Bericht Information Services Group übernimmt die alleinige Verantwortung für diesen Bericht. Soweit nicht anders angegeben, wurden sämtliche Inhalte, u.a. Abbildungen, Marktforschungsdaten, Schlussfolgerungen, Aussagen und Stellungnahmen im Rahmen dieses…
Cloud-Telefonie für Microsoft Teams

Cloud-Telefonie für Microsoft Teams

Cloud-Telefonie zu Microsoft Teams hinzufü. Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt wechseln von herkömmlichen Telefonsystemen vor Ort zu Cloud-Telefonielösungen. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: hybrides Arbeiten, Anbieterkonsolidierung und Kostensenkung. Und…
Adding Cloud Telephony to Microsoft Teams

Adding Cloud Telephony to Microsoft Teams

Adding Cloud Telephony to Microsoft Teams Enterprises across the world are switching from traditional on-premises phone systems to cloud telephony solutions. The benefits are hard to ignore – including hybrid working, supplier…
To Build or To Buy

To Build or To Buy

The Cost of Not Offering Federated Identity The inability to offer federated identity via an IAM platform like Auth0 blocks growth. Enterprise customers expect the ease and security of federated…
Identity is the Perimeter

Identity is the Perimeter

The idea of identity as the new perimeter for cybersecurity has been part of the conversation for a couple of years. The truth is that identity has always been a…